


電影原聲帶 OST / 愛滿人間 MARY POPPINS RETURNS          

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★ 迪士尼重金打造經典《歡樂滿人間》續集,感動再現
★ 東尼獎、葛萊美獎、艾美獎得主Marc Shaiman一手操盤經典配樂
【愛‧滿人間】電影原聲帶邀請到身擁多座葛萊美獎、東尼獎與艾美獎的傳奇大師Marc Shaiman操刀電影配樂(《髮膠明星夢》、《西雅圖夜未眠》),並找來東尼獎得主Scott Wittman共同作詞,為這部延續迪士尼傳奇之作的年度電影,打下最完美而雄厚的音樂基礎。除了配樂部分由Marc Shaiman演出之外,歌唱的部分則由演員們展現令人驚嘆的歌喉,包括打造當紅音樂劇《漢彌頓》的林曼努爾米藍達、艾蜜莉布朗、迪克凡戴克、班維蕭等人,接連在歌曲"(Underneath the) Lovely London Sky"、"A Conversation"、"The Place Where Lost Things Go"等,紛紛展現與音樂完美相襯的演唱實力,讓影迷們感動滿滿,更讓這部經典回歸的新世代續作,開唱出全新境界!
01(Underneath the) Lovely London Sky - Performed by Lin-Manuel Miranda 由打造音樂劇《漢彌頓》、《海洋奇緣》電影原聲帶鬼才 林曼努爾米藍達獻唱
02Overture- Performed by Marc Shaiman
03A Conversation - Performed by Ben Whishaw
04Can You Imagine That? - Performed by Emily Blunt with Pixie Davies, Joel Dawson and Nathanael Saleh
05The Royal Doulton Music Hall - Performed by Emily Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Pixie Davies, Joel Dawson and Nathanael Saleh
06Introducing Mary Poppins - Performed by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Emily Blunt
07A Cover Is Not the Book - Performed by Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda and Company
08The Place Where Lost Things Go - Performed by Emily Blunt
09Turning Turtle - Performed by Meryl Streep with Emily Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Pixie Davies, Joel Dawson and Nathanael Saleh
10Trip a Little Light Fantastic - Performed by Lin-Manuel Miranda with Emily Blunt, Tarik Frimpong, Pixie Davies, Joel Dawson, Nathanael Saleh and Leeries
11The Place Where Lost Things Go (Reprise) - Performed by Joel Dawson, Nathanael Saleh and Pixie Davies
12Trip a Little Light Fantastic (Reprise) - Performed by Dick Van Dyke with Emily Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ben Whishaw, Pixie Davies, Joel Dawson and Nathanael Saleh
13Nowhere to Go But Up - Performed by Angela Lansbury, Ben Whishaw, Pixie Davies, Joel Dawson, Nathanael Saleh, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Emily Mortimer, Julie Walters and Company
14(Underneath the) Lovely London Sky (Reprise) - Performed by Lin-Manuel Miranda
15Theme from Mary Poppins Returns - Performed by Marc Shaiman
16Kite Takes Off - Performed by Marc Shaiman
17Mary Poppins Arrives - Performed by Marc Shaiman
18Magic Papers - Performed by Marc Shaiman
19Banks in the Bank - Performed by Marc Shaiman
20Into the Royal Doulton Bowl - Performed by Marc Shaiman
21Rescuing Georgie - Performed by Marc Shaiman
22Off to Topsy’s - Performed by Marc Shaiman
23Chase Through the Bank - Performed by Marc Shaiman
24Lost in a Fog - Performed by Marc Shaiman
25Goodbye Old Friend - Performed by Marc Shaiman
26Race to Big Ben- Performed by Marc Shaiman

27End Title Suite- Performed by Marc Shaiman